About Eloise
Based on Kay Thompson’s original book Eloise: A Book for Precocious Grown Ups - Eloise is a six-year-old girl who lives in the “room on the tippy-top floor” of the Plaza Hotel. The ever-elusive and mischievous Eloise has a rawther enormous imagination, and her adventures have inspired readers and visitors alike for over 60 years.
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Venture into Eloise's rawther, delightful world with a few of her favorites. Perfect for skipping alongside Skipperdee or walks with Weenie, these are the best of the best that will have you feeling the mischievous spirit of the precocious six-year-old.
Follow Eloise’s Adventures
Entrancing readers since the 1950’s Eloise’s books are timeless and classic stories following the precocious girl who lives in The Plaza. Follow Eloise on her adventures in New York City as well as her global travels with her Nanny and companions, Skipperdee, the turtle and Weenie, the dog that looks like a cat.
Eloise Bawth Products
Scrubs, Splawshes and Bubbles - Bawthtime with Eloise!